Haves And Haves Not

Ceteris Paribus

If all you ever wanted had a few things you wouldn’t want, would you be brave enough to go for it or wise enough to let it be.

If the voices in your head and the urge in your heart contradicts each other and you are left to choose between the deep blue sea and the devil, would you rather dine with the devil.

If for every right decision you make, you take four steps ahead and for every wrong decision made, you take two steps backwards would you still go all in.

If for every bunch of roses you pick , you get pierced by thorns, would roses still appeal to you.

If a stitch in time saves nine, would you still be carefree about certain things.

If every good turn, doesn’t necessarily deserve a good turn, would you do good deeds or turn a blind eye to someone else’s plight.

If a penny saved is equivalent to a penny earned, would you still be penny wise and pound foolish.

If having some meant having most wins would losing a few be less devastating.

Written by ~🐝